This blog will keep you updated on
HAGA! The Hofstra Association of Graphic Arts.
Starting next year, we will keep this updated with:
- Time, location, plans for meetings
- Tutorials and resources that we go over
- Posts of the work that HAGA members make!
- and more I'm sure!
HAGA is a baby club but we are hoping to grow a lot next year. We had some great accomplishments this year, including:
- "Rock out with your Art Out" Form Gallery Exhibit
- Sponsors of "The Art of Healing, The Healing of Art." Our member's art made up the majority of the Visual Arts display
- "Not All Artists are Starving" night of networking.
After a small meeting today we started brainstorming ideas for next year! Check it.
- Go to each art class, first day (email teachers to get permission)
- Give out handouts
- Talk about getting student discount AIGA (America Institute of Graphic Arts) memberships to graphic classes
- Go to all activity/club fairs
Creative Activity at Club Fairs
- Giant sign with a phrase (I like Art, Art is Cool, Art) to color/paint/draw on.
Fall FORM show theme
- Pick one. Sex?
Other events
- Alumni event
- Art of healing
- T-shirt/Logo
- Word It
- Matt Lettini? Discussing online presence/ portfolios like Coroflot.
- Help advertise Klinkowstein's speakers
Basically, a GOOD F'ING YEAR!